Monday, January 11, 2010

MC Is At It Again!

Ok ladies it's time to get back into the swing of things. I hope you all had a wonderfully blessed Christmas and trust you will have a prosperous New Year. With the new year comes new schedules and that means new calendars! A little obsession of mine I admit (a clean crisp calendar makes my heart go pitter-pat). So this Wednesday the lovely Yulonda Merry, a Close To My Heart Scrapbooking consultant, will be joining us. This woman and MOTHER has mad skills when it comes to turning everyday items into beautifully crafted- well crafts! She will be assisting us in decorating those perfect little pocket calendars that we all live by. Mark in your calendars, this Wednesday, Yulonda Merry, MC meeting!

Yellow Group brings food

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mom Connection Schedule

Mom Connection

Spring 2010 Schedule


January 13th

January 27th

February  10th

February   24th

March 10th

March 24th
April 7th

April 21st
May 5th

May 19th  (End of Year Party)